7 Questions with Megan Fox
Megan Fox walks the red carpet at the 'Transformers: Revenge Of The Fallen' Los Angeles premiere at the Mann's Village Theatre in Westwood. (Photo by Photo Agency)
When Transformers came out, it was all “Who is this Megan Fox?” For the sequel, it’s all, “Wow, Megan Fox is back!” The release of Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen was accompanied by an onslaught of magazine profiles with Megan Fox talking about stuff. Now here’s another one.
Zimbio: How has your daily life changed since Transformers came out?
Megan Fox: Getting photographed at Whole Foods or coming out of Rite Aid with your shampoo bottles and stuff, that's new for me, but that's not that crazy. You adjust to that. You acclimate to that pretty quickly. I mean, I don’t know if you are ever prepared for the public scrutiny. There’s no way to prepare yourself for it, but it is a part of your job. It’s maybe not the most pleasant part but I get to experience so many other things that are blessings, so that’s the trade off.
Do you actually know anything about cars?
Megan Fox: Before I did the first one, part of my audition process was that Michael [Bay] made me come to his studio and, like, pretend to work on his Ferrari. He had all these videos of me working on the Ferrari, trying to figure it out. I still don’t know anything about cars though.
Zimbio: In British GQ, you talked about recreational drug use. What kind of message is that sending to your young fans?
Megan Fox: I wouldn’t call it recreational drug use. That makes it sound like I’m going to clubs and doing cocaine, things like that. I talked about the legalization of marijuana, which I think in the United States, it should be. If alcohol is legal, I don’t see why we still have a ban on marijuana. That’s all. I mean, you ask me how it’s going to influence ten year old girls? Are they reading British GQ?
Zimbio: Is there anything that you’ve said to the press that you regret saying?
Megan: You would like me to clarify it right now? Anything that I’ve ever said that I regret? That’s possible. I mean, that’s something I struggle with because I feel like I have the best intentions when I do these sorts of interviews and when I speak about what I do. It’s unfortunate when journalists or press choose to knowingly twist the meaning of my words. That discourages me from being outspoken and being as honest, but I feel like it’s something that I just want to do, because I hate reading or watching bullsh*t interviews and watching these pretty images, these things that people present to you on television that you know are fake and manufactured. I’m trying not to be one of those.
Megan Fox: I don’t research any of my own press. I really don’t like knowing about it, so I just pretend that none of it’s real.
Zimbio: What toys did you play with growing up?
Megan Fox: I had My Little Pony, Strawberry Shortcake, Rainbow Brite, things like that.
Zimbio: Is it good for your ego to be called one of the most gorgeous women in the world?
Megan Fox: I mean, things like that, the movie was so successful and was such a global success, it exposed me to people who had never seen me before. Other actresses -- your more successful actresses -- don’t ever get the chance to be a part of a film like this where their images are taken around the world the way that mine was with this movie. I get really embarrassed. Have you ever been given a compliment and you just can’t take it, because you just don’t agree with it or you are just uncomfortable taking it? It’s like that. It’s nonstop, all day, every day, and I get really embarrassed by it. I don’t know how to react to it. If I told you that you were the sexiest man I had ever seen in my life, how would you feel?
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