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Thursday, July 2, 2009

Why Mini got it right and Jessica scr*wed up

A new study warns mothers of getting on to that treadmill too soon unless they are okay compromising with their baby's nutrition, and landing with ugly stretch marks. FYI tracks celeb moms to tell you what works, and doesn't.

After flaunting their baby bumps on the cover of magazines (pop star Britney Spears did it for gossip glossy, Indian actress Tara Sharma, for an Indian childcare magazine) most celebs are in a tearing hurry to lose the baby weight. But following the examples of yummy mummys may cost you more than you think, warn experts.

Doctors from the German Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IQWiG) have revealed how extreme and immediate weight loss attempts after delivering a baby can have a negative impact on breastfeeding. Weight gain during pregnancy is not only normal, it is necessary, they stress. A mother's body has to nourish the growing baby, and her body needs to take on more fluid to support the extra circulation her baby needs.

Too much exercising can lead to Vaginal Prolapse

Mumbai gynaecologist and chairman of Gynaec World, Dr Duru Shah says losing weight rapidly after pregnancy is a dangerous trend she's noticed among young urban mothers. After delivering a baby, a the body's tissues are flaccid. If you start indulging in intense exercises too soon, there is a danger of the uterus slipping downward, leading to a condition called Vaginal Prolapse. "Usually, we advise mothers to wait at least six weeks before exercising. They should consume a diet that's rich in calcium, proteins, and drink lot of liquids," she says.

Opt for pilates and yoga

Celeb fitness trainer Deanne Pandey reveals how some women make the mistake of resorting to quick-fix measures including intense exercising and crash dieting. "This is bound to affect the quality of a mother's milk since she's not acquiring proper nutrition." If that doesn't bother you much, ruining the texture of your skin sure will. "Rapid fat loss can lead to ugly stretch marks. It's best if women wait for their bodies to heal before embarking on a rigorous workout. They should start off with basic meditation and relaxation techniques, all after consulting their doctor, of course. They can then focus on core strengthening exercises for the back, spine, abdomen and hip bones. Avoid rigorous forms like swimming, intense spinning and kickboxing altogether."

Jessica Alba gymmed 6 days a week
The Hollywood actor reportedly worked with a trainer an hour a day, six days a week, after giving birth to her baby girl Honor Marie Warren. Alba, who was back to her pre-pregnancy body just two months after giving birth, reportedly took in just 1,700 calories a day to shed her pregnancy pounds quickly, burning up to 600 calories a day.

I started gymming only 3 months after my baby was born
Television host Mini Mathur says she put on nine kilos during her second pregnancy, but she managed to lose all the extra weight in nine months by following a healthy diet and a regular fitness routine. "Since I had a C-section, I had to wait for my body to heal before hitting the gym. I began gymming three months after giving birth. I lost the kilos through a circuit training programme that oscillates between one day of functional training, and three days of cardio. I made sure I ate a balanced diet," she says.

Lactating women need to eat every 2-and-a-half hours

Deepshikha Agarwal, dietician and sports nutritionist

"If a lactating woman does not have a healthy balanced meal, both, the quality and the quantity of milk are affected. When women resort to dieting to lose baby weight, it results in low production of milk that lacks nutrition since it doesn't contain all the necessary nutrients required by the mother and her baby."

>>Lactating women should eat every 2 ½ hours. Avoid spicy food and include fruits and vegetables in their diet.
>>Low-calorie food like soya khakras and soups should replace processed or tinned food.
>>Avoid hidden fats (mayo in salads, cream and fat in pastries).
>>Avoid red meat (mutton and pork).
>>Opt for food that is baked, boiled, grilled or steamed rather than fried.
>>Avoid corn; it is calorie-rich and can cause constipation
>>Drink lots of water.

Your ideal diet to lose weight the quick and healthy way:
>>Start your day by having two glasses of warm water, a bowl of mixed fruits, and a fistful of dry raisins, almonds, dates and walnuts.
>>After 1 1/2 hour, have a cup of tea with milk and Poha or Upma. Avoid having strong coffee or black tea.
>>After 2 ½ hours, have a glass of buttermilk.
>>After 2 hours, have two Ragi flour rotis (three times a week) or two wheat flour rotis with dal and bhaji for lunch. Avoid potato bhaji.
>>After 3 1/2, hours have a snack (either bhel or a fruit chaat) and a glass of milk.
>>Have an early, light dinner at 7.30 pm. It should include a bowl of salad, soup, sautéed vegetables or a leafy bhaji. Reduce the number of chapatis so you cut down on carbs. Non-vegetarians can have egg whites or lean chicken.

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